Charitable Bequest – By naming the Cancer League of Colorado Foundation in your Will or Living Trust, you create a gift today that the Foundation will receive when your estate is settled.
Retirement Plan – You can name Cancer League of Colorado Foundation as a beneficiary of your retirement plan. To include the Foundation, simply request a Beneficiary Change form from your retirement plan custodian, complete the form, and return it as instructed.
Life Insurance – You can name Cancer League of Colorado Foundation as the beneficiary of a new or existing life insurance policy.
Charitable Remainder Trust — In the right situation, a charitable remainder trust can provide powerful financial, tax, and estate planning benefits. Basically, you can donate assets into trust for the eventual benefit of the Foundation. In the interim, the trust pays an income to you and/or your designated income beneficiaries.
Charitable Lead Trust –A charitable lead trust can provide support for Cancer League of Colorado Foundation, while transferring assets to your heirs with little or no tax.
Retained Life Estate – You can donate a residence to Cancer League of Colorado Foundation and still retain the right to live there for the rest of your life.
The Internal Revenue Service provides important tax incentives to encourage support for charitable organizations. A gift typically must be irrevocable to qualify for a tax benefit. Stated another way, a gift must be complete and not subject to any revocation by the donor. With proper planning, such gifts can provide important income and tax benefits for you and your heirs, including:
Increased current income;
Increased future income, e.g. during retirement years;
Current charitable income tax deduction;
Future charitable estate tax deduction;
Asset planning for heirs; or
Significant gift to support Cancer League of Colorado efforts.
For more information, please contact us at info@cancerleague.org or 303-281-9864.
Donations can be made by mail to Cancer League of Colorado Foundation, PO Box 5373, Englewood CO 80155.